Dental bridges are a very common treatment solution for missing teeth. Even missing one tooth creates dental and aesthetic problems, which can worsen over time. So, if your dentist advises a dental bridge to fill a gap, consider it carefully.
Here are the advantages and disadvantages of this frequently used dental treatment.
What Is a Dental Bridge?
Custom-designed by Dr. Ari Binder at 360 Dental, a dental bridge replaces one or more missing teeth in a row. Composed of one or more artificial teeth (also called a potonic) and dental crowns (also called caps) attached to natural teeth on opposite sides of the gap, a dental bridge is a permanent tooth replacement solution.
Most of today’s dental bridgework is fashioned from tooth-colored, durable, and realistic-looking porcelain. Sometimes, dentists choose other materials such as gold and metal alloys. Your dentist will select the material right for your specific needs and budget.
To create a bridge suited to your smile, Dr. Binder will do a complete oral examination, including 3D dental X-rays. Also called cone beam computerized tomography, these low radiation X-rays recreate the precise details of your natural teeth and underlying bone. With this information and impressions of your teeth, your dentist and his dental lab can fashion both the pontic teeth and crowns which make up the dental bridge.
Your dentist will remove some enamel from the natural teeth, which are to be crowned. This reduction in size and shape allows for proper bonding of the crowns over the teeth.
It will take two to three dental visits to complete placement of your new dental bridge. The steps include evaluation, preparation, installation, and adjustment.
What Are the Advantages of a Dental Bridge?
The biggest advantage of a dental bridge is that you will have a complete and natural-looking smile. You’ll be able to bite and chew effectively and speak clearly – and of course, you can smile with confidence knowing that the unattractive gap is filled. In fact, no one but you and your dentist will know you wear a dental bridge.
Other advantages of a dental bridge include:
● Permanence. Only your dentist can remove it. Plus, it has no unsightly clasps that show when you smile.
● Ease of maintenance. Simply brush and floss your bridgework carefully twice a day as you do your natural teeth.
● Support for your remaining natural teeth. While missing teeth weaken the teeth adjoining the gap, a bridge strengthens your smile and prevents tooth drift.
● Longevity. Most bridgework lasts ten years or longer when you care for it daily, avoid hard foods, and see your dentist for routine cleanings and check-ups.
What Are the Disadvantages of a Dental Bridge?
Although dental bridges are popular tooth replacement choices with a great track record of success, any dental restoration presents some risks. These problems could occur:
● Breakage or loosening. As such, you should avoid eating very hard foods, such as peanut brittle, and refrain from using your teeth to open packages or bottles. These practices will damage or even dislodge your prosthetic.
● Decay or gum disease around crown margins. Plaque and tartar can collect around your crowns and could cause gum problems and cavities. That’s why daily at-home and semi-annual in-office care are so important.
Dental Bridges in Eugene, Oregon
Dr. Ari Binder and his team at 360 Dental deliver a wide array of preventive, restorative, and cosmetic dental services, including lifelike bridges. Contact the office today to learn more about this excellent dental restoration option and what it could do for your smile.
Call us at (541) 689-1645, or use our appointment request form. We look forward to seeing you soon!