For anyone with missing teeth, dental implants can provide the most natural-looking and -feeling solution possible. Dental implants consist of surgically implanted posts into the gums, and they are then topped with crowns or dentures to look and function like real teeth.
Since dentures are notorious for slipping out of the mouth, implant-supported dentures and over-dentures are a more reliable option. With implant-supported dentures, you can be sure that the dentures will remain stable and secure in your mouth.
Dental implants and dentures combined can help keep your jawbone healthy and retain your facial structure, not to mention give you a dazzling set of teeth. Let’s answer some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about dental implant-supported dentures:
How Are Implant-Supported Dentures Installed in the Mouth?
Dentures are either partial or full, depending on how many teeth you need to be replaced. Implant-supported dentures can be used to replace upper or lower teeth, but they are mostly used on the lower jaw – where instability becomes more of a problem. Anywhere from two to six dental implants can serve as anchors for the dentures to snap securely into place.
To attach the dentures to the implants, your dentist may use a ball or locator-attachment, a bar attachment, or a screw attachment. For the upper jaw, implants are usually inserted in the front part of the mouth because it contains more bone.
Since these dentures are not held in place on the gums by adhesives, as are traditional dentures, they are much more firmly in place via the implants.
Who Is a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?
Anyone who has missing teeth and strong jaw tissue is a good candidate for dental implants. For each implant, a titanium post is implanted into the jawbone, and the implant must then fuse into the bone tissue while the gums heal around it. The dentures can then be attached.
How Are Implant-Supported Dentures Better than Regular Dentures?
The benefits of denture implants include the fact that they are permanent, and not removable as regular dentures are. They also help to prevent jawbone degeneration, because the implant maintains the integrity of the bone as the original tooth did.
In addition to this, the dentures do not slip when chewing or speaking as regular dentures sometimes can. If you’ve had adhesive-based dentures and you decide to have denture implants, embarrassing slippages become a thing of the past.
How Long Do They Last?
Denture implants can last a lifetime. They are made of highly durable bio-grade materials, and they are not susceptible to cavities and decay. As long as the gums and bone are healthy, the dental implants can last indefinitely.
Denture Implants in Eugene, Oregon
Implant-retained dentures are a very cost-effective solution for missing teeth, since only a few implants are needed to hold the dentures in place. Here at 360 Dental, Dr. Ari Binder provides several options for replacing missing teeth, including dental implants with crowns or dental implants with dentures.
If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment with Dr. Binder, contact our friendly staff at 360 Dental today by calling us at (541) 689-1645 or by filling out our easy-to-use online form now. We look forward to being your dental healthcare partner!