The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that you take your child for their first orthodontist checkup at no later than seven years old. This initial dental examination from an orthodontist is referred to as an early orthodontic evaluation.
During this checkup, an orthodontist assesses your child’s dental development, oral health, and jaw growth. Based on the early evaluation, orthodontists may recommend various treatments and appliances, such as pallet expanders, space maintainers, habit correction devices, and braces or aligners, collectively known as early orthodontic interventions.
Starting orthodontic treatments at a younger age offers numerous benefits. Let’s discuss a few of the most obvious benefits of early orthodontic interventions for your child and where you can go for comprehensive dental care in Eugene, OR.
Intercept the Developing Problems
Early orthodontic treatments take advantage of the growing jaws and bones to identify potential problems, such as underbites, crossbites, excessively spaced teeth, crowded teeth, and extra or missing teeth. They also address these problems while the jaw and bones are still developing and prevent more severe problems from occurring later in a child’s life, reducing the need for complex orthodontic treatments.
Guide The Growth of Facial and Jaw Bones
During early childhood, when bones are still developing, orthodontic treatment can guide the growth of facial and jaw bones. Orthodontic treatments help achieve a balanced and harmonious facial profile by addressing any skeletal issues and improving dental alignment.
To guide the growth of facial and jaw bones, an orthodontist can recommend devices like pallet expanders (devices that are used to widen the upper jaw), functional appliances (devices to encourage the forward growth of the lower jaw), headgear (external appliance that guides the growth of upper jaw by exerting pressure on it), and chin cups (a device that is used to direct the growth in the lower jaw).
Provide Adequate Space for Incoming Permanent Teeth
Early orthodontic evaluation and treatment ensure enough room for the permanent teeth to erupt into their proper position. An orthodontist may use techniques like expansion to widen the dental arch and create additional space for the incoming permanent teeth.
They may also use space maintainers for children who lose their primary tooth prematurely due to injury or decay. Space maintainers keep the surrounding teeth from shifting and preserve the space for the incoming permanent tooth.
Correct Oral Habits
Bad oral habits, such as thumb sucking, thumb thrusting, and lip biting or sucking, can affect the alignment of the teeth and the development of the jawbone. An orthodontist can use a combination of approaches to correct specific oral habits based on a child’s individual age and needs and thereby help prevent long-term dental and orthodontic issues.
Dental Office in Eugene, OR
If you are in search of a highly reputable dental office that offers early orthodontic evaluation and interventions, look no further than 360 Dental. Our dentist, Dr. Ari Binder, caters to the needs of people of all ages, including children, and is an expert in all areas of general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and orthodontics. Our compassionate and child-friendly family dentists will thoroughly assess your child’s dental problems and develop a customized treatment plan for them. He will also take time to explain why a certain type of treatment is necessary for your child and how it will help prevent future problems.
If you would like to know more about orthodontic interventions or want to arrange a consultation with our family dentist, contact us today at (541) 689-1645 or fill out our online appointment request form.