Having missing teeth is not normal, and should not be accepted as such. Make no mistake: tooth loss also has complications, among which is jaw deterioration.
The good news is there are various dental restoration options available, with tooth implants being one of the most popular and cost-effective. Tooth implants give you the freedom to smile with confidence as well as the ability to enjoy the foods you love — but these benefits don’t end here.
Below, you’ll learn more about the advantages of opting for tooth implants over other dental restoration options.
A Natural Look and Feel
Designed to fit, function, and blend beautifully with your natural teeth, tooth implants are hands down aesthetically superior and comfortable compared to dental bridges and other options.
Improved Speech
Your teeth play an important role in the clarity of your speech. Dental implants can help prevent slurring and whistling and restore your natural speech pattern.
Optimal Stability
One of the greatest advantages of dental implants is that they provide stability unrivaled by other types of dental restoration. This is because the dental implant itself is embedded firmly in your jaw bone, much like a natural root. This means you don’t have put up with the anxiety that your teeth implants may slip out of your mouth.
Durability and Longevity
Dental implants are very well constructed and fracture-resistant. Also, their abutments and posts are generally a lot stronger compared to natural tooth roots.
Unlike bridges and dentures, which need to be replaced every several years, dental implants can last a lifetime – with proper care and regular dental checkups.
Because dental implants are fused securely to your jawbone, you don’t need to remove them. This eliminates the embarrassing inconvenience otherwise associated with wearing dentures — which you need to take out when you eat or clean and reapply adhesives on.
No Risk of Damage to Surrounding Teeth
Unlike dental bridges, which rely on adjacent teeth for support, dental implants are self-supporting, so there is no risk of damaging other teeth during the placement process or over time.
Preserves Jaw Bone Structure
Dental implants can help you avoid jawbone loss by preventing bone resorption – thereby allowing you to keep the natural shape and appearance of your jaw. Bone resorption is a natural process in which your body reabsorbs the bone and redistributes it to other parts.
Dental Implant Surgeon in Eugene, OR
If you’re considering dental implants, Dr. Ari Binder is the expert you want to see. Highly qualified and experienced in the field, Dr. Binder is committed to not only ensuring all of his patients get the best possible results but also to providing them with useful information to help them make the wisest decisions about their dental care.
Schedule an appointment with Dr. Binder today. Call our dental clinic at (541) 689-1645 or use our online request form.